19 February 2008

Valentine's Day

Feb 14th dawned as another normal day. Hubby and I woke up as usual and went about our daily routine. Nothing was special. It was time to go to office and we were having our breakfast in a hurry. Hubby as usual was watching the morning news and having his breakfast, while I was sitting at the dinning table. Suddenly I got a big hug and a kiss with a "Happy Valentine's Day"...It was the little girl. I was literally shocked and surprised. I didn't expect her to know about Valentine's Day and and wish me too. She then wished her daddy in the same fashion.

Evening when I returned from office, I could tell that the little girl was pretty excited about something. The moment I entered the house, she started jumping around and asked me to close my eyes. She then asked me to sit on the sofa. This was followed by giggles and wispers. She then asked me to open my eyes and with a flourish gave me a hand made card. It was a big white card with a red heart in the middle. The heart was made by handprint. She then sang a Valentine's song.

The Song:

This Valentine says
I love you, I love you
I Love you

This valentine says
I love you
Yes I really do!

(This is sung to the tune of Mary had a little lamb). All this she had done in her school and her Teacher had taught her the song.

Although both hubby and me forgot that it was Valentine's day, this was by far the best Valentine day we had!!!

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